WHO AMR Costing and Budgeting Tool

  14 October 2021

In order to implement national action plans (NAPs) on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), those making funding decisions need to understand how much activities will cost, what is already being funded, and how to leverage additional funding. A clear approach to planning, costing and budgeting NAPs on AMR is a critical first step in ensuring that these efforts are practical. A costed NAP provides the foundation to identify funding gaps and mobilize additional resources to fill those gaps to allow for successful implementation of the activities. To support countries in costing and budgeting their NAP AMR activities, WHO has developed a costing and budgeting tool and accompanying user guide.

This pragmatic and modular tool is user friendly, flexible, easy to navigate, and adaptable to the needs of countries. It can be used to calculate and visualize detailed costs for prioritized activities included in the NAPs on AMR. Taking into account the different country contexts, the tool can be filled using a modular approach which allows different sectors, ministries or event departments to fill in the tool independently and these plans can then be consolidated into one national costed plan.

Further reading: WHO
Author(s): WHO
Effective Surveillance   Smart Innovations  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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